Finds and Interests

Like most collectors and resellers, my life is busy. In addition to being a reseller and the CEO of WorthPoint, I also volunteer with the Navy League in Atlanta. In all of these roles, networking is crucial to success. Chances are, whatever challenges you might have as a new reseller, whether it’s related to figuring out a sales strategy, managing seller costs, or storing unsold items, another reseller has had a similar experience and can offer some assistance.
I created WorthPoint because, as a reseller, historian, and fan of all things vintage, I knew there had to be a dedicated space for buyers, sellers, and collectors to come to for networking and information. We have data from industry leaders like eBay and Goldin, resources like our Dictionary and Marks feature, and content to inform readers about all aspects of the antique, collectible, and vintage marketplace. It’s simply impossible for resellers to go it alone, even those with experience, so that was a big motivator for me to form a company that could help everyone from major auction houses to independent sellers.
One good thing about being a reseller is that the opportunity to learn from others is always there. Social media has made huge strides in connecting all parts of the reselling marketplace, and significant events like antique fairs and the BOSS Reseller Remix are just a couple of ways to gather with others in the industry. In fact, I plan to attend this year’s BOSS gathering in Las Vegas. I would love to meet you there.
I will always have the mindset of both a buyer and a seller—that’s essential in the reselling business. It also requires a mix of managing costs and profit margins, which is entirely objective, and the very real sentiments of being a collector, which is a much more subjective point of view.